The Founder and his Mission:
By Barbara Kelly, Thomas Barcley & Lauren Powell
Henry Carlton (Founder of multiple educational projects) is a German born American and while his family is spread all over the US, he grew up in Germany. He finished private business school, and with just 21 years of age, he started his first Business in construction. After a few years of success in his business, he decided it was time to do something different, sold the business and started to explore new business adventures.
In 1986 Henry started licensing different unique products and co-licensed several new inventions, and for solving light reflections on TVs, he and his partner received the silver medal at an international tradeshow for innovations. But this was just a product of many to follow according to Henry. In 1987 he started his own Brand and successfully licensed his Trademark “CARLTON”, and after only a few years he expanded the licensing opportunity for CARLTON-HOTELS, “CARLTON-Bars” and “CARLTON-Restaurants” into 13 European Countries, followed by his own Product line, “Carlton Products"! This became a household name for Cocktails, Wine, and multiple exclusive niche products, which his company catered to well-known Corporations and Celebrities, utilizing his mobile “Carlton Party-Service-Division”.
Although successful in his business adventures, Henry gets real patient when talking about his dogs and as a huge dog lover and animal welfare advocate. He tells us that every time he heard about animal abuse or other stupid mistakes people did to their animal friends, often not on purpose but mainly through lack of knowledge, it made him angry! Henry concluded that the time has come to start working on his dream, namely, to create through education a future world where animals can enjoy a beautiful abuse free life, and to get moving towards this goal, he needed to find ways to start educating a whole new generation of childrens, their parents, and caregivers on the proper care of animals. To do just that and to get the best results, he created his first 2 Cartoon Characters in Germany, and to create and push this new adventure onto an international sensation, he did not hesitate to move back to the US and expanded with more new characters the Team of “DOCTOR WOOFF AND NURSE MEOW“

Henry realized that with this family friendly, highly entertaining, and educational approach he can reach millions of children and their caregivers worldwide. He never stopped working on writing down new premises, telling hundreds of animal stories and creating a treasure chest full of easy-to-follow great caretaking steps to keep the pets and their families happy and safe.
Henry wasted no time and added real professionals to his team, to help him with his vision. He started to put together an international team of Artists, Illustrators and Graphic Designers, and added for each Character from his animation project a real life “Volunteer – Character – Team”, made of professionals, to assure the audience, that the best up-to-date knowledge was used for each character, and nothing left to a guessing and potentially wrong teaching. That was the time when the meaning of ethical teaching was raised to a whole new level. Writers and Educators, Teachers, and Veterinarians, they all together helped sketching his vision into a beautiful endless enticing mission. That was the beginning of “Doctor Wooff and Nurse Meow’s Cartoon Animation”.
When asked about the years it took him to develop the project to the level where it is now, namely ready to go straight into animation and thereafter into national and international distribution, Henry’s responds with a huge smile on his face… “It is well known that an overnight success takes about 20 years”! ….”And I am just on time!“
Stay tuned, animation will re-define itself!

“Doctor Wooff and Nurse Meow”, a Cartoon animation project, to teach children and their caregivers the proper care for animals!
To support his animation efforts, Henry started with his first Doctor Wooff comic book as the basic script for future storyboards and animation; He authored another book series called “Did you know”, a fountain of refreshing know-how, where all his cartoon characters are coming to life, especially in his escorting ongoing video channel “Ask Doctor Wooff”, to get as much basic knowledge into the hands of children, parents and caretakers about the proper care for animals in a funny, entertaining and yet, educational way. That’s why he calls it “learning with fun!” or “Edutainment”, for more details go to: