Claude Gander is a male Canada Goose from Quebec and works in and around Doctor Wooff's animal hospital.
He is in charge of maintenance and security as well as special assignments. He is tenacious and quite the watchdog, from his tree house office just outside the hospital.
Claude is loud by nature, so others are pleased he is outside unless needed. His biggest pet peeve is people who do not pick up after their dogs.
He makes his disapproval known by honking from his tree house office, and quickly approaches them to explain why it is important to pick up behind your dog and why it is important to ensure that the dog is regularly dewormed and has all his shots updated.
He also speaks French and loves to show people how to recycle according to the newest standards. Together with Dave the Driver he composes songs for things that he cares about….and his voice sometimes is a little of the note. He has a huge cell phone collection and all the newest high-tech gadgets and loves everything that has to do with cameras.